
Enhanced Investigation Capabilities

Leverage comprehensive data correlation to track illicit transactions and uncover hidden financial flows with precision.


Sanctions Compliance and Monitoring

Automatically screen and monitor entities against global sanctions lists to ensure compliance and detect potential breaches.


Comprehensive Due Diligence

Gain detailed insights into beneficial ownership, hidden networks, and potential risks to support thorough and effective investigations.

ADAMftd Accelerates Business for Law Enforcement Agencies

ADAMftd provides law enforcement officials with the critical intelligence and tools needed to tackle complex international crime effectively. By leveraging our platform, agencies can streamline investigations, enhance compliance monitoring, and identify hidden financial flows. Our platform helps law enforcement track illicit transactions, ensure sanctions compliance, and uncover hidden networks, ultimately supporting thorough and effective enforcement actions.

Major Features

Track Illicit Transactions

ADAMftd enables law enforcement to trace illicit financial flows by correlating export declarations, import bills of lading, and customs declarations across multiple countries. This helps in identifying discrepancies and tracking the flow of illicit funds.

  • Data Correlation: Integrate data from export and import declarations to identify suspicious discrepancies.
  • Transaction Mapping: Map the flow of funds and goods to detect illicit transactions.
  • Cross-Border Analysis: Perform comprehensive analysis of international transactions for signs of money laundering.
  • Pattern Recognition: Utilize advanced analytics to recognize patterns indicative of illicit activities.

Identify Hidden Beneficial Owners

Understanding the true ownership of companies involved in trade is crucial for law enforcement. ADAMftd provides detailed profiles of beneficial owners, managers, and key contacts, helping to uncover hidden ownership structures.

  • Ownership Transparency: Access detailed information about beneficial owners and company structures.
  • Network Mapping: Map relationships between companies and their owners to uncover hidden connections.
  • Due Diligence: Conduct thorough background checks on individuals and entities involved in suspicious activities.
  • Risk Assessment: Evaluate the risk profiles of beneficial owners and associated entities.

Sanctions Avoidance and Compliance

Ensuring compliance with international sanctions is critical. ADAMftd integrates sanctions name scanning for entities, including sanctioned individuals, ships, criminals, oligarchs, and politically exposed persons (PEPs).

  • Sanctions Screening: Screen entities against global sanctions lists from 300+ sources.
  • Entity Monitoring: Monitor entities for changes in sanctions status.
  • Compliance Assurance: Ensure transactions and trade activities comply with international sanctions.
  • Alert Systems: Receive alerts on potential sanctions breaches and related risks.

Detect False Declarations

False declarations regarding country of origin, product type, and other trade details can facilitate illegal activities. ADAMftd helps law enforcement detect and investigate false declarations effectively.

  • Origin Verification: Verify the true country of origin of goods through detailed trade data analysis.
  • Product Classification: Identify discrepancies in product classifications and descriptions.
  • Declaration Matching: Match export and import declarations to uncover inconsistencies.
  • Compliance Audits: Conduct audits of trade documentation to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Mapping Supply Chains from Destination to Origin

Ensuring compliance with local and international laws requires a detailed understanding of supply chains, including indirect trade partners and suppliers. ADAMftd provides law enforcement officials with the tools to map entire supply chains, from destination to origin, ensuring transparency and legal compliance.

  • Supply Chain Verification: Trace goods from their final destination back to the original source, identifying each step in the supply chain.
  • Indirect Trade Partners: Identify and monitor third-hand trade partners and suppliers to ensure compliance with all relevant laws.
  • Compliance Audits: Conduct comprehensive audits of supply chains to verify adherence to local and international regulations.
  • Risk Identification: Detect potential risks in the supply chain, such as involvement of sanctioned entities, conflict minerals, human rights abuses, and environmental violations.

Negative Media Monitoring

Uncover issues and related entities being investigated in domestic and foreign markets through comprehensive negative media monitoring.

  • Media Analysis: Monitor global media sources to detect negative coverage related to target companies and entities under investigation by law enforcement officials.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Receive immediate notifications on adverse media mentions involving entities in both domestic and foreign markets, enabling swift action and investigation.
  • Risk Assessment: Assess the impact of negative media coverage on the entities being investigated, helping law enforcement agencies to understand the breadth and depth of potential issues.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Generate detailed reports on media coverage, providing insights into the entities and their associations, which supports thorough investigations and informed decision-making.

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