ADAMftd vs Other Solutions

ADAMftd surpasses all other stand-alone trade, market research, export promotion, supply chain management and corporate due diligence systems. ADAMftd integrates multiple feature sets that no other platform offers, making it the ultimate turnkey source of truth for international trade.

Comparing to Other Trade Data Companies

ADAMftd Competitors
Bills of Lading Enhanced Basic
Counterfeit Tracking
Product Analytics Enhanced + Maps + Charts Basic
Product Demand Enhanced
Import Market Analysis Enhanced + Maps + Charts Basic
Export Market Analysis Enhanced + Maps + Charts Basic
Product Rules & Regulations 193 Countries
Product Certification Requirements 193 Countries
Tariffs 193 Countries
Non-Tariff Remedies 193 Countries
Port Detailed Information All Major Ports
Port Capacity & Wait Times All Major Ports
Terminal Detailed Information All Major Ports
Maritime Vessel Information
Shipping Route Info
Maritime Vessel Tracking
Maritime Vessel Owner Info
Maritime Vessel Rates
Product Supply Chain Mapping
Product Demand Forecasting
Product Price Forecasting
Company Registry Details
Company GLEIF Details Yes - Global
Company Beneficial Owners Most Countries
Company Directors Most Countries
Company Shareholders Most Countries
Company Registered Agents Most Countries
Company Supply Chain Limited
Company Reviews
Company Address Verification
Company Social Media
Related Ownership
Negative Media Monitoring
People Search
People Profiles Detailed Limited
People Social Media
Stock Market Prices 70 Exchanges / 30 Years History
Trademarks 81 Countries
Sanctions Scanning
Politically Exposed Person Scanning

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